- Groceries:
- Mr Grocers
- $15 flat delivery fee
- http://Mrgrocers.com
- Gooding's Supermarket Online Store
- Minimum order amount of $50
- $25 delivery fee
- http://www.goodingsdelivers.com
- We Go Shop
- Specify your own grocery list for particular stores, not order from online inventory
- Minimum delivery charge of $18.00, depending on total recepits, and number of stores
- Many locations countrywide
- http://www.wegoshop.com/location15.html
- Garden Grocer
- Minimin order $40
- $12 delivery fee. Free over $200.
- Also delivery to much of Central Florida & area college campuses
- http://www.gardengrocer.com
- Mr Grocers
- Blogs
- MouseSavers